Tuesday, July 22, 2008

4th of July

Our neighborhood had a 4th of July festival that we were able to attend this year. Matt and I thought that it would be fun for Sam to participate in the Children's parade. It was at 10:00 in the morning and there was going to be a Boy and a Girl winner for best decorated ride. I stayed up a little late and decorated Sam's car that my Mom gave him for his first Birthday.

He Won!!

Ladies night at the Melting Pot.

Matt and I went to Austin this weekend to visit family. We had a very busy weekend with all of the kiddos but it was so much fun. We wish we could get together more often.
Ladies night at the Melting Pot.
You'll see below, it looks like we only had desert but I was way too busy eating to take pictures of the yummy goodness before.
Sarah, Megan, Carmen, Terry, Me, Shea and Lexi.